FEMINISM : What We Need To Know (Sanjida Islam-22346064)
The concept of "Feminism" is not so old although it is known that a constant need for gender equality has always been present in the society. Most of the countries and the societies still live under patriarchal system that was probably created approximately around 12,000 years ago where the societal powers were shifted to the physically stronger males. The main reason behind it was agriculture and to maintain the family lineage.
This shift was merely done to form discipline but it was eventually converted into male dominant society. The male dominant society made the females subordinate to males and females were considered to procreate the heirs of the family while being deprived from the economical and political rights. As the society is becoming civilised and we use our mental strength more than anything also the family lineage could come from both mother and father so the male dominance must be demolished.
The ideology and concept of feminism has always worked to take female out of the patriarchal control of the society and encouraged them to raise their voice for human rights.
What is feminism
Feminism is a movement and ideology that aim to establish social and political equality and equity of genders. Although the concept was established to ensure women's equal rights but the spectrum is now wider and all inclusive. A person who advocates for women's rights on the basis of equality of sexes is called feminist.
Waves of feminism
The historical movements of feminism are divided into different waves.
1. First Wave: (19th-20th century) Mainly focused on the legal rights of politics and economics for women like reproductive rights and the right to vote. "Liberal Feminism" is the highlight of this wave that wanted legal equality without changing social structure.
2. Second Wave: This movement began in 1960s to '70s where the reasons behind the oppression was observed and traditional gender roles were questioned. Many types of feminism emerged and "Radical Feminism" was one of them that radically demanded the reorder of the male dominant society.
3. Third Wave: An all inclusive movement was more liberated version of the second wave but it provided more reproductive rights, preached sex positivity and mainly prioritising the freedom of choice.
4. Fourth Wave: This wave discussed about sexual harassment, rape culture and body positivity.
Where do we still face discrimination?
The discrimination first starts within the Family because apparently females give birth to the heirs of other families. Many families if not all prioritize males more in the patriarchal system mostly by giving them the control of the household. The similar access and opportunities are not given to females by the society.
We also face discrimination in Education. Although women tend to go to school in primary levels but after that the rate falls. One of the main reason could be poverty or Child marriage. More than 650 million of women and 150 million of men falls victim of child marriage. Women are way more likely marry off in early ages by their families. It might be an example of rooted gender discrimination. Early marriages hampers their studies and as well as health where they might face the consequences of pregnancy before they reach a proper age.
Workplace is another important sector where gender discrimination is seen. 42% of women faced discrimination at workplaces because of their sex. Women are paid less than men in similar jobs and are provided with less opportunities to go in higher positions. 25% of women paid less less than men in similar jobs. Women also face pregnancy discrimination and other harassments more.
Women are way more likely to face Sexual harassment than men. A study shows that 81% of women and 43% of men have experienced some sort of sexual harassment in their lifetime and the sexual perpetrators are 99% male. What could be the core reason of female victims outnumbering the male victims? It is the result of male domination in society where female objectification is taken lightly.
Women also face Domestic violence more than men. They get abused sexually, physically, and mentally. Marital rape is another major issue of domestic violence.
There are still some gender discriminatory Laws that still exists and have been practiced. Women spend 3.2 times more hours at unpaid care work than men, 18 countries has laws for women to obey their husbands, 40% of countries have less property right for women, 32 countries does not address domestic violence, 30% countries does not allow women's movements for freedom.
In Bangladesh, marital rape is still legal. According to section 375 penal code- "Sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under 13 years of age, is not rape"
Another law is where the moral character of a rape victim is questioned. Government is finally taking action to remove this law after long time of being applicable. According to section 155(4), "When a man is prosecuted for rape or an attempt to ravish, it maybe shown that the prosecutrix was of generally immoral character".
Misconception about feminism
One of the most common misconception about feminism is that it's a movement against men which is not true. It is apparent from the definition itself that feminists want gender equality not superiority. Feminism rather helps people to unlearn toxic masculinity and femininity so that we can all be equal in every part of life.
Do we still need feminism?
Thousand of years of discrimination and we expect it to be dismissed in hundred. The discrimination might not be obvious in the eyes of people who are privileged. In our everyday life we somehow have to face the obstacles whether it's about women not feeling safe going out at night or just a misogynistic comment we get to hear randomly or thinking your masculinity wouldn't allow you to be fragile. When the core of a system is broken we need to put constant effort to make it work or change the core.
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