
Showing posts from February, 2023

22346052 MD. Nahinul Islam Nahin, "The Para Commando Brigade : A Prestigous Brigade of Bangladesh Army"

'' The Para Commando Brigade: A Prestigious Brigade Of Bangladesh Army" The Para Commando Brigade is a special operation force of the Bangladesh Army. The headquarter of this special force brigade is located at Sylhet. It has two para commando battalions.           Insignia Of Para Commando Brigade  Some Insignia Of Para Commando Brigade: Special forces unit identity patch ( Cheetah Insignia ) Bangladesh Army Para Commando Brigade  Bangladesh Army Para Commando Shoulder Sleeve Insignia What is the motto of this elite Brigade? - Do or Die . When did this Brigade was formed? The participation of the special operation unit  in the Bangladesh Armed Forces was introduced during the liberation war in 1971. From 1974, These special operation units existed in Bangladesh Army under various names, mostly in the form of a specialist in jungle  warfare and counterinsurgency  units.  A separate special operations capable unit of the Bangladesh A...

Pharmaceutical Importance in Cosmetic Industry; Adiba Fairooz (22346045)

               I know most of the girls in new generation are freak on makeup and skin care. I am extremely fascinated in makeup and cosmetic product and this is one of the reason to admit myself in Pharmacy. Cosmetics are used for maintaining healthy skin, preventing skin aging, enhancing beauty, and promoting general wellness. However, most of these products contain active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) that help to deliver their intended benefits. The pharmaceutical industry plays a vital role in the development and manufacturing of these cosmetic products. Many cosmetic products such as sunscreens, anti-aging creams, acne treatment, hair growth products and makeup products contain several active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) that have therapeutic benefits; they are usually used in low concentrations to ensure their safety and efficacy. One of the primary APIs used in skin care is sunscreen. Sunscreens protect the skin from the harmful UV ...

"Happily Forever Eating" (ID: 22346003 ; Fahima Jarin Muskan)

"Happily Forever Eating" Eating is something that I love and enjoy greatly, I love to try new foods and explore new restaurants. I generally try to go to a new restaurant each week. I always try to find the foods which are the most delicious and worth it. so I follow some of my favorite food bloggers .   Actually good food is always makes my mood happy. Whenever I feel very low, distrubed or when I get depressed, stressed out I try to make me feel better and for refreshment I go to my favourite restaurants and try out  my favourite foods. Even one cup of coffee of favourite place makes me feel better and I think a cozy place and a good food is the best therapy for solving all stress. I like to take pictures of the foods and make my instagram highlights .  Let’s come to my favourite foods, every person has a favourite food and he/she never gets tired of eating it I also have my food and it is burger. I know it’s a junk food but I love to eat burger. I k...

How Microbiology defines the Rhizome of Life (ID: 22346011 Tasmim Jahan Mumu)

  How Microbiology defines the Rhizome of Life In contrast to the tree of life (TOF) theory, species are mosaics of gene sequences with different origins. Observations of the extensive lateral sequence transfers in all organisms have demonstrated that the genomes of all life forms are collections of genes with different evolutionary histories that cannot be represented by a single TOF. Moreover, genes themselves commonly have several origins due to recombination. The human genome is not free from recombination events, so it is a mosaic like other organisms' genomes. Recent studies have demonstrated evidence for the integration of parasitic DNA into the human genome. Lateral transfer events have been accepted as major contributors of genome evolution in free-living bacteria. Furthermore, the accumulation of genomic sequence data provides evidence for extended genetic exchanges in intracellular bacteria and suggests that such events constitute an agent that promotes and maintains all...

Fascinating World of Music (22346066)

H earing the word music the first thing that comes in our mind is the pleasant sound of guitar or the grunge of drumstick played with drums or soothing melody of piano. Music is composed of sounds together in a way that produces an aesthetic experience. Music can define one's thoughts, emotions and personality. By music we don't only mean the melodious sound but also as a form of art which can be performed by musicians. Music can either be instrumental or it have a definite lyrics which is sung by the singers. As music is  form of art it can't be categorized into any specific forms but can be classified into various genres such as Independent music , Rock, Pop , Jazz and blues , Metallic etc. Music can work as spiritual method of calming your mind or act as an relaxation method. Every time I listen music it calms my mind and soothes my soul and I eventually transcend into some sort of dimension where there's only peace and no chaos can affects me. Life would have been ...

Loving Thyself : Never love anyone more than yourself ( ID-22346061 Name-Sadia Afreen)

  Sometimes in this era of technology and social media we forget to love ourselves. And it is easy to hate yourself when you are constantly comparing yourself with others on the internet. We are constantly seeing perfectly beautiful and slim figured girls and desiring to be like them. In the desire to be like them we are punishing ourselves by following strict methods like starving ourselves. And after all the efforts to become more attractive when we fail, we hate ourselves more. Sometimes we confuse self-love with selfishness. Loving yourself doesn’t mean you cannot love others. It just means besides thinking of others you can also think about yourself. I think one person cannot love others if they don’t love themselves first. If you are not happy, you cannot make others happy. "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection " ~ Buddha The first step of self-love is accepting yourself the way you are and the way you look. There isn...

Aokigahara - A Mysterious Forest (22346042_Jannatul Ferdaus Tonima)

  There are some mysterious places on earth that will make you feel like you’re living under curse because those places that seem so terrifying . Aokigahara is one of those places. It is a forest which lies under the shadow of Mount Fuji in Japan . This mysterious forest is known as ‘Suicide Forest’ . This place is world’s second most popular suicide location . It is a forest which is covered in death. Aokigahara , a 14 square mile area which is located on the northwestern flank of Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu in Japan . It’s locally known as ‘ Jukai ’ (Sea of trees) because the density of trees are very high here . Aokigahara's western edge serves as a popular tourist and school trip site since there are multiple caves there that freeze over in the winter . The most popular cave among the tourists are the Ice Cave and the Wind Cave . All this may seem very majestic; however, looks can be deceiving . This place is mainly known as the leading suicide site .     ...