Loving Thyself : Never love anyone more than yourself ( ID-22346061 Name-Sadia Afreen)
Sometimes in this era of technology and social media we forget to love ourselves. And it is easy to hate yourself when you are constantly comparing yourself with others on the internet. We are constantly seeing perfectly beautiful and slim figured girls and desiring to be like them. In the desire to be like them we are punishing ourselves by following strict methods like starving ourselves. And after all the efforts to become more attractive when we fail, we hate ourselves more.
Sometimes we confuse self-love with selfishness. Loving yourself doesn’t mean you cannot love others. It just means besides thinking of others you can also think about yourself. I think one person cannot love others if they don’t love themselves first. If you are not happy, you cannot make others happy. "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection " ~ Buddha
The first step of self-love is accepting yourself the way you are and the way you look. There isn't any perfect body, shape, height or weight. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. I use to hate the way I looked before. I use to constantly compare myself with others which did a lot of harm to me. Now that I realize beauty is in the eyes and beauty varies from person to person, I feel beautiful in my own body.
Never love anyone more than yourself. Some may disagree with me on this but I'll explain why I am saying this. In any relationship when you love the other person more than yourself you give them the control of your happiness. Now your happiness depends on others. And they misuse this. I use to love people so much that I would desperately try to fix them while they were breaking me. But I don’t do that anymore. I highly suggest that you do not do that either.
In your bad days if you don’t find anyone beside you, it’s okay, you can be your own support. Because no one really cares about others' problems. You can go throgh the worst time of your life and no one will even notice it. Once my biology teacher said to me " তোমার নিজেকে নিজেই সামলাতে হবে। তুমি পরে গেলে কেউ আসবে না তোমাকে উঠাতে।" And those words are still stuck with me.
Your own happiness is your own responsibility. If you are not happy with yourself no one else in this world can make you happy. You can have all the money and fame in this world but still be unhappy that is because money doesn’t buy happiness. It comes from within yourself. It comes from loving yourself. So love yourself so that you can make yourself happy. Always remember you are enough for yourself. You need nobody but you to be happy.
Loving yourself doesn’t mean you can't be sad. It doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. Loving yourself means you can be sad still you chose to love you. Being sad is okay but not acknowledging is not okay. People will say to depressed people that don’t be sad and be happy. But they don’t say how to be happy when you cannot even love yourself. I don’t say these things to anyone instead I say if you feel something express your feelings. Expressing your emotions doesn’t make you weak. It our emotions that make us human.
After a long day, you can make yourself a cup of tea to treat yourself. If you love flowers you should buy yourself flowers. " How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you"~ Rupi Kaur
Treat yourself how you want to be treated by others. At the end of the day, you are all you got to yourself. So be nice to yourself and love yourself the way you want to be loved.
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